Bulletin Board

Florence Design Week 2012
15/01/2012 - Jelena Djokikj

Win a paid internship at Opel / Vauxhall
15/01/2012 - Jelena Djokikj

Slavcho Tanevski Dipoma Work
21/12/2011 - Tatjana Kandikjan

Visit the website with the presentation of the diploma work of Slavche Tanevski, a young designer at Mercedes.

Share promote your work
26/10/2011 - Jelena Djokikj

Internet portalot Designboom, nudi moznost za promocija na mladi dizajneri, so prezentacijana proekti na nivnata strana. Sekoj shto smeta deka ima shto da pokazae, neka se obide da se promovira na ovoj nachin.

Natprevar za dizajn na vozilo
26/10/2011 - Jelena Djokikj

Mercedes-Benz i MakAutoStar imaat raspishano konkurs za dizajn na vozilo za markata Mercedes.
Pravo na uchestvo imaat site studenti i nevraboteni mladi lica do 30 godini, koi se drzavjani na R.Makedonija.

Za dopolnitelni informacii obratete se na marketing@makautostar.com.mk
@import url(http://www.design.mf.edu.mk/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);

Call for participation
26/10/2011 - Jelena Djokikj

Designboom in Bangkok is hosting exhibition for young design profesionals/teams.
For more info: www.designboom.com/eng/
@import url(http://www.design.mf.edu.mk/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);

Upcoming new events...
15/06/2011 - Tashko Rizov

Please check the events calendar for the upcoming events on the 17th June and 26th June this year. Hope to see you there!

Exhibition in Skopje: Creative women - inventions and innovations from Sweden
16/05/2011 - Sofija Sidorenko

As a result of cooperation between Swedish Embassy in Macedonia and National and University Library "Ss. Climent Ohridski" from Skopje, the citizens of Skopje have an opportunity to visit a traveling exhibition "Creative women - inventions and innovations from Sweden". The basic intention of the exhibition is to present Swedish women as inventors and innovators in different fields and areas. Several female students on Industrial design from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering took part with their projects.

Ekskurzija vo Milano - podetalno
01/04/2011 - Sofija Sidorenko

Pocituvani studenti, se organizira ekskurzija vo Milano - poseta na saemot DESIGN WEEK sto se odrzuva vo periodot od 11 do 17 april. Saemot se odviva niz celiot grad, takasto glavno nema plakanje na vleznici.  Ekskurzijata ja organizira agencija (http://www.astranskomerc.com.mk/) po cena od 180 evra. Vo cenata e vklucen prevoz i cetiri nokevanja so dorucek. Poaganje na 11.04. vo popladnevnite casovi. Za dopolnitelni poseti na Firenca, Venecija ili drugi gradovi bi trebalo da se plati dopolnitelno vo dogovor so agencijata.
Najdocna do ponedelnik (4.04.2011) treba da se plati celosnata  suma. Denes,  petok, 1.04.2011 treba da se znae tocniot broj na zainteresirani kandidati.Zasega ima 30- tina prijaveni.

Call for participation on ecoLOGIC competition
05/10/2010 - Sofija Sidorenko

Invitation for all students on industrial design for participation on Third International Student Poster Competition, Skopje 2010. The topic of the competition: climate change, global warming, biodiversity loss, drinking water and sanitation problems, loss of environmental resources, pollution, Kyoto protocol, Copenhagen summit. Show your opinion about this enormous problem facing our planet. Deadline: 1st November 2010. For more information visit the website http://www.skopjeposter.com/skopjeposter/HOME.html.