Bulletin Board
Call for Ghost Project
- Jelena Djokikj
Deadline to apply is 30.4.2014. More info: http://ghost.mikser.rs/
Aleksandra Stratimirovic, Exhibition
- Tatjana Kandikjan
Students in industrial design will take part st the exhibition of the Swedish designer Aleksandra Stratimirovic, starting from 25.3-14.4.2014. The exhibition is located at the stand of the Embassy of Sweden at Skopje Fair, Millennium Hall, Glass Pavilion.
Aleksandra Stratimirovic, Exhibition
- Tatjana Kandikjan
Aleksandra Stratimirovic is a designer from Stockholm, Sweden. She will participate at Skopje Furniture Fair (25-30.3.2014) with her designs of lighting. On 25.3.2014, starting from 12:00, Aleksandra will give a lecture and make presentation of her work. You can find more information at
www.strati.seStudents are invited to come to this presentation!
Lecture "Motivation & Branding"
- Tatjana Kandikjan
Emily Flowers,
Director of Strategic Initiatives at the X PRIZE Foundation, California will give a lecture on "Motivation and Branding" at room K3-9, New Building, on Friday, September 13, starting at 10:00.
Sajtot WeLoveDesign postavi informacija za vasta kolekcija na zdeli prikazana na MIKSER, Design Day i Sofia Design Week 2013.
Skopje Dewsign Week 2013
- Tatjana Kandikjan
SDW 2013 will take place at Kurshumli-An, in the period 1-6 of October.
Students who intend to participate at this international event should call ass. Jelena Micevska before 10th of September, and help in designing and creating the presentation shelves and printed materials for the exhibition.
Annual student exhibition
- Jelena Djokikj
Годишна изложба на студентите по Индустриски дизајн. Сули ан 14.6.2013, со почеток во 20:00 часот.
- Tatjana Kandikjan
Public Room encourages brave designers and architects who poses outstanding creative skills and are boldly innovative to apply for the furniture design workshop that will place in Skopje in the period 1-9 July 2013.
This is a unique chance for product, industrial designers and architects to participate in the shaping of the future of Macedonian furniture industry. The entire process offers much more than just a production of prototype. It is about the whole process that each designer has to go though in order to come up with the right product. In the area of furniture design, participants will conduct a research, decode and analyze market needs and demands, develop ideas and concepts, use drawings, sketches and models. Final scaled model together with the technical drawings will be produced with assistance of the mentors and skilled technicians. These processes will be solid grounds for every designer to engage in future prototype production.
More info:
GOST PROJECT 2013: Design in Transition