Viktor Gichev

Viktor Gichev

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Skopje - Macedonia
Postgraduate - Master's Studies in Industrial Design and Marketing
Dec 2012
Aug 2015
 Linked in:


• Participation on fourth traditionally exhibition of students of study program Industrial Design on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Skopje, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius" university, titled as "Urban life in the future", in gallery "Mala stanica", 03.06.2009. 

• Participation in the 29th International Exhibition of innovation, technical development, new products and creations of the young - MAKINOVA 2009, and 7th International Exhibition of technical development and environmental innovations - EKONOVA 2009, organized within the frame of the fair "TEHNOMA" from October 13 to 17, year 2009, Skopje, and acquisition of reward - recognition of the Macedonian magazine for popularization and application of science and technology "EMITER" for design of "Home Cinema 7.1". 
• Participation on exhibition for packaging design "Creative Entrepreneurship", organized within the frame of the "Global Entrepreneurship Week 2009" from 16 to 22 November 2009, by the “PSM Foundation” of Skopje, on date 18.11.2009. 
• Participation on fifth traditionally exhibition of students of study program Industrial Design on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Skopje, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius" university, titled as "Design the evolution", in Cultural informational center "Kocho Racin", 17.06.2010. 

Working Experiences

Work experience:
"Zavar Company", R. Macedonia, Skopje, is a firm for production, developing, designing, manufacturing, commerce, engineering and services in the field of mechanical engineering, and is a firm specializing in all types of welding, which works according to the quality systems “ISO 9001:2000 acc TUV CERT, TGA (DAR) Rheinland issued in Budapest” и “ISO 14001:2004 acc TUV CERT, TGA (DAR) Rheinland issued in Budapest”.
Working position:
Projecting, design, and making and controlling of technical documentation.
Working duties:
• Design, projecting and prediction technology of making interiors and interior elements, and other various products, control of manufacturing, finishing and quality control.
• Management and control of projects for making a variety of products from the reception and control of technical documentation, or reception, design and preparation of technical documentation for the product, through careful monitoring of the process of development, so until final processing and quality control.
• Management and control of projects for making component positions through careful monitoring of the process of manufacturing, organizing and running their installation on the facility, and making of technical documentation.
• Management of projects for reparation of facilities with monitoring the process of repairing, often performing visual control after the ending of work commitments, dimensioning and making of technical documentation for performed reparation.
Receiving, preparing, and making drawings for cutting steel sheet with a variety of shapes by CNC plasma cutting machine.





Croatian, Serbian


Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point
Solid Works
Autodesk Autocad
Autodesk Maya
SAP 2000
Adobe Photoshop
Corel DRAW