NEW PROGRAMME (4yrs) - Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

Starting from the academic 2017/18, the Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design is reconstructed. The study program now lasts 8 Semesters or 4 years.
The study program was developed based on the Industrial Design study program at the South China University of Technology. 
Semester 1
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME001 Mathematics 1 Mandatory 7
ME004 Engineering Graphics Mandatory 6
ME002 Mechanics 1 Mandatory 6
ME003 Mechanical Materials 1 Mandatory 6
ME005 Language Elective 3
ME006 Sport and Health Elective 2
Semester 2
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME228 Mathematics in 3D Mandatory 7
ME006 Strength of Materials Mandatory 6
ME212 Design techniques Mandatory 5
ME008 Computer-Aided Design Mandatory 6
ME079 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Elective 5
Semester 3
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME213 Sketching Mandatory 5
ME012 Mechanics 2 Mandatory 7
ME014 Machine Elements Mandatory 7
ME013 Production Technologies Mandatory 6
Semester 4
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME026 Industrial Design (5ECTS) Mandatory 5
ME027 Prototyping Mandatory 5
ME028 Graphic Design (4yrs) Mandatory 5
ME219 Product Construction Mandatory 5
ME221 Design Materials Elective 5
ME020 Modern Materials and Surface Treatment Elective 5
ME018 Basics of Programming Elective 5
ME017 Numeric Methods Elective 5
Semester 5
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME067 Product Ergonomics Mandatory 8
ME066 Products from Plastic Mandatory 7
ME065 3D Modeling and Visualization Mandatory 5
ME153 Finite Element Method Analysis Elective 5
ME037 Engineering Economics Elective 5
ME069 Construction of Motor Vehicles Elective 5
ME143 Renewable Energy Sources Elective 5
ME032 Safety in the Industry Elective 5
ME072 Basics of Mechatronics Elective 5
Semester 6
Semester 7
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME223 Eco-design Mandatory 7
ME156 New Product Development Elective 8
ME220 Vehicle Design Elective 5
ME201 Design of Machines and Appliances Elective 5
ME231 Project Mandatory 5
Me230 Internship Mandatory 5
Semester 8
Course codeTitleTypeCredits
ME232 Diploma Thesis (10 EKTS) Mandatory 10
ME109 Web Design Elective 5
ME200 Research in Design Mandatory 5
ME199 Animation (4yrs) Elective 7
ME205 Intelligent Transport Systems Elective 5