Tashko Rizov

Assistant Professor
Subject Semester

Engineering Graphics

NEW PROGRAMME (4yrs) - Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

Engineering Graphics 2016

2012-2016-Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

Design techniques

NEW PROGRAMME (4yrs) - Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

3D modeling and rendering

2012-2016-Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

3D Modeling and Visualization

NEW PROGRAMME (4yrs) - Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

Diploma Thesis (10 EKTS)

NEW PROGRAMME (4yrs) - Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design

Web Design

NEW PROGRAMME (4yrs) - Undergraduate - Bachelor's Studies in Industrial Design
Bulletin Board
Имаш добра идеја за домаќински апарат од иднината?
Имаш добра идеја за апарат за домаќинство наменет за иднината? Пријави ја на Design Lab, меѓународниот студентски конкурс кој го организира Electrolux. Годинава темата е дизајн на домаќински уреди наменети за тесните урбани живеалишта од второто вселенско доба. Замисли си како ќе изгледа домот од иднината? Како во 2050 година ќе ги миеме садовите, алиштата, и како ќе ја подготвуваме и складираме храната? Твојот концепт за производ можеш да го поднесеш онлајн на, најдоцна до 1 мај 2010 година. Повеќе информации на,
Interior Motives Design Awards 2010
Registration for the 8th annual Interior Motives Design Awards - themed 'Driving the Interior Revolution' - is now open. The competition challenges students around the world to come up with innovative designs that offer clever solutions to the problems facing 21st century vehicle design.  link
There are cash prizes, and the finalists are invited to a prestigious awards ceremony that will be held at the Paris Motor Show in October. The work of the finalists and winners will be extensively reported within Interior Motives magazine and on our parent website CarDesignNews - which puts them, and their college, firmly in the spotlight. Students are asked to design concepts that fulfil one of these briefs set by Peugeot and Volkswagen:
Pay as you go - Design a pay-as-you-go vehicle. What are the necessary features? What kind of drivetrain technology, interior packaging and Human Machine Interface would be best suited to this kind of car?

Pump up the volume
- Volume is the future, not vehicle length. Consider the definition of volume and explore new ways of segmenting and laying out a vehicle interior with this in mind.
What if the world...? - Imagine how the world will develop in the future and create an interior that fits that scenario.
Mobility toolbox - Big or small, high or low, wide or narrow, urban or highway ? Design the ultimate modular/multi-mode vehicle for the society of tomorrow.
Please take a look at the full briefs, review the designs of previous winners and contact Hua Xia, Student Co-ordinator, for any questions.
Prezentacija za natprevar Electrolux Design Lab 2010
Pocituvani studenti,
Ve pokanuvam da prisustvuvate na prezentacija na natprevarot Electrolux Design Lab 2010 vo cetvrtok, 11.01.2010 so pocetok vo 11:00 vo ucilnica 1 vo Smetackiot centar na Mashinski Fakultet Skopje.
Poveke okolu natprevarot mozete da najdete na sledniov link:

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